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This is a list of issues that WC CAN is currently tracking and that we've had time to post information about. 

  • Significant Natural Resources (SNRs): LCDC is requiring the County to perform an assessment and review of the County's compliance with Goal 5.  Most recently,LCDC issued an enforcement order against the County for its lack of compliance with statewide land use planning goals designed to protect SNRs.  Please visit our SNR page for more information. The Commission also went a step further and imposed an injunction on the County, prohibiting it from processing applications for developments in designated ?Wildlife Habitat? until it comes into compliance with state law by adopting new and enforceable regulations to protect the resources. Under the Commission?s order, the County has until May 1, 2021 to come into compliance. Citizens will work with the County in crafting new ordinances, ensuring that the remaining 15 percent of these Wildlife Habitats are protected to safeguard their existence for future generations.
  • A DEQ permit granting Intel significant increases in air-polluting emissions and toxins at new plants being built in Aloha and Ronler Acres, with minimal self-reporting and no requirement to measure air quality or health impacts in surrounding communities;
  • County Land Use ordinances that would benefit favored landowner/developers, despite earlier policy decisions that responded to citizen concerns;
  • County and city Transportation System Plan Updates, and construction projects that impact neighborhood livability and farm/forest/natural area protections.
  • Continuing pressure for changes to State and local government policies that fast-track costly industrial sprawl, short-cut citizen involvement, and divert taxpayers' dollars to subsidize huge corporate employers – while ignoring local or homegrown business opportunities for more sustainable economic growth.